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Greenman Torso

Bronze | Edition 1/1 | 76 x 76 x 28 cm | 28 kg | Base 44 x 44 x 1m   44kg | 2023 |

Most humans seem to have lost their natural connection to nature and the wilder places of the world. Sometimes through fear, the unknown and creepy, and sometimes because its just hard to get to these places as they are pushed further away from cities, or destroyed and controlled by stringent farming processes. Technology, as useful and amazing as it is, keep us indoors, disconnected from the natural world and our innate natures.

Are we becoming ‘soft’? Do we know ourselves – I our true natures? Are we meant to be and know the wilder aspects of ourselves or are we changing and becoming something different, changing our human natures? Can we humans be both wild and tamed?

This torso is made from panels of wax made from moulded forest and garden surfaces combined with some human made textures. Then cast into bronze. The sculpture merges the natural wildness with the modern world. There is an element of chance and change – through the process – I have less control of outcome. I have to relinquish control and allow the process to happen. Allow for some ‘wildness’ in the creative process.