Hold Gently What You Wish To Grow Old with – Maquette
We need to take care of our natural places as they are vulnerable and yet more so the human race. The natural world is our power house if we allow it to embrace us. We are one and the same. And yet, we as humans, so often feel disconnected, and alone.
I struggle to make a true connection to this accessible energy source, and yet feel desperate to do so. I am constantly in search of this energy flow, and yet I know it is in my ‘hands’ to be embodied if only I could open myself to it. I also expand this idea into the realisation that I need to take care of all that is precious to me, particularly my body, my relationships with special people and my environment.
The title for this sculpture are the words from a song by Roo Panes titled ‘Hands’. “Hold gently what you wish to grow old with, like a sparrow in your hands that needs to fly. Hold gently what you wish to grow old with, don’t close those hands”.
Bronze | Edition 10 | 43 x 25 x 17 cm | 8.5kg | 2017 | Exhibition: Journey